Friday, October 24, 2014

Journaling Bible - But Now Mine Eye Seeth Thee - Job 42:5

Please excuse my wrinkly fingers as I hold the page from being flipped over by the breeze! 😊🍂 Job went through so much. Before, he only heard about the Lord whom he believed and lives righteously before Him. This he faithfully did, through terrible trials which saw him lose his children and all his possessions and ultimately his health. It was only after he clung onto God through all this, that God revealed Himself to Job, and Job finally saw the One whom He has believed all along. I thank the Lord for encouraging us with stories of men and women of faith so we can preserve through trials and know that not one happens without His knowledge. We don't understand but we must preserve. The reward will be so much worth it.

 #job #faith #trust #dontletgo #praisethelord #faithful #scriptures #biblejournalingcommunity #biblejournal #christian

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

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