Meditating on the Lord when we are in bed and about to sleep - is a beautiful thing! I love both Barnes and Clarke's commentary on this verse. If you need Peaceful sleep and peaceful rest, then delight yourselves in the Lord while on your bed. Barnes: "I remember thee upon my bed - See the notes at Psa 42:8. That is, when I lie down at night; when I compose myself to sleep. Nothing can be more proper than that our last thoughts, as we sink into quiet slumber, should be of God; of his being, his character, his mercy, his loving-kindness; of the dealings of his providence, and the manifestations of his grace toward us, during the day; and nothing is better suited to compose the mind to rest, and to induce quiet and gentle slumber, than the calmness of soul which arises from the idea of an Infinite God, and from confidence in him. Often when restless on our beds - when nothing else will lull the body to rest, the thought of God - the contemplation of his greatness, his mercy, and his love - the sweet sense of an assurance of his favor will soothe us, and cause us to sink into gentle repose. So it may be - so it will be - when we are about to sleep the long sleep of death, for then the most appropriate thoughts - the thoughts that will best prepare us for that long sleep - will be thoughts of God." Clarke: "When I remember thee upon my bed - I will lie down in thy fear and love; that I may sleep soundly under thy protection, and awake with a sense of thy presence and approbation; and when I awake in the night watches, or be awakened by them, I will spend the waking moments in meditation upon thee." Upon a request of a friend on Instagram, I made this scripture into a print:
It looks pretty, doesn't it? :) Instant downloadable prints and bookmarks of this design is coming up soon! If you are interested, please leave a comment and I'll get to it instead of procrascinating! :) #journalingbiblecommunity #journalingbible #meditate #scriptureart #illustratedfaith #Godlovesyou #dailydevotional
This verse cheered me when I was young, God is saying, "Go enjoy yourselves, have fun and do what makes you happy!" It is a most liberating blessing from Him in all the days of our youth :) He only cautions us that we do the things that are good, because each one of us will face His judgment after our time on earth is up. Let us do right and be free in enjoying life and being creative! :) The kitten bookmark is availabe on etsy here for $5 #enjoylife #Godsblessings #youarefree #scripture #ecclesiastes #bibleart #biblejournaling #journalingbiblecommunity #illustratedfaith check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts
Though I had been a believer for years, whenever I thought about the Cross, I knew that I haven't fully grasped His love for me, the full realization of His love still eluded me. Until one day I read John chapter three and kept going back to Jesus' words about Moses and the serpent in verse 14. I decided to go back to the Old Testament and studied this particular event. And finally I realized. The depth of His sacrificial love and how it personally applies to me :) #christonthecross #Godslove #sin #redeemer #redemption #forgiveness #death #life #journalingbible #biblejournalingcommunity #jesuslovesme #jesuslovesall check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts
Where grace meets faith... things start to move! Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. The more we hear of Him, the more our faith is strengthened and we dare to step out and believe... then God meets us halfway :) His love for us is so vast. The evidence? Behold Christ crucified on the Cross! #faith #faithmovesmountains #evenamustardseedfaith #greatgod #biblejournaling #journalingbiblecommunity #illustratedfaith #praiseGod #scriptures check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts
I love this verse. A letting go of your family and house and people and being joined with the love of your life, the King. Once He sees that you have left all to be with Him then He will greatly desire you. This verse reminds me of Ruth :) #lovestory #ourKing #leavingallbehind #pressingforward #biblejournaling #journalingbiblecommunity #illustratedfaith check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts
It's not enough to just believe in Jesus. He requires more. He wants you to do what His Father wants. This includes seeking His will in your life. Finding your niche in Him. #willofGod #liberty #faith #biblejournalingcommunity #journalingbible #illustratedfaith #seekGod check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts
I was writing this verse on our wooden jewellery box for wood burning yesterday and unknown to me, a close relative of ours died the same day. It made me think. Our life here on earth is so temporary. There is only One person who defeated death and rose to life again, and that was Jesus. He is asking us to keep our eyes on Him, to keep our faith in Him, and to be faithful even when dying - because it is only Him who can bring you to the other side, life with Him. #keepoureyesonchrist #revelation #death #life #biblejournalingcommunity #journalingbible #illustratedfaith #dailydevotional #scriptureart check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts