Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Journaling Bible - Rejoice, O Young Man in thy Youth - Ecclessiastes 11:9

This verse cheered me when I was young, God is saying, "Go enjoy yourselves, have fun and do what makes you happy!" It is a most liberating blessing from Him in all the days of our youth :) He only cautions us that we do the things that are good, because each one of us will face His judgment after our time on earth is up. Let us do right and be free in enjoying life and being creative! :)

The kitten bookmark is availabe on etsy here for $5

 #enjoylife #Godsblessings #youarefree #scripture #ecclesiastes #bibleart #biblejournaling #journalingbiblecommunity #illustratedfaith

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

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