Thursday, November 20, 2014

Journaling Bible - Meditating on You in My Bed = Peaceful Rest - Psalm 63:6

Meditating on the Lord when we are in bed and about to sleep - is a beautiful thing! I love both Barnes and Clarke's commentary on this verse. If you need Peaceful sleep and peaceful rest, then delight yourselves in the Lord while on your bed. 

Barnes: "I remember thee upon my bed - See the notes at Psa 42:8. That is, when I lie down at night; when I compose myself to sleep. Nothing can be more proper than that our last thoughts, as we sink into quiet slumber, should be of God; of his being, his character, his mercy, his loving-kindness; of the dealings of his providence, and the manifestations of his grace toward us, during the day; and nothing is better suited to compose the mind to rest, and to induce quiet and gentle slumber, than the calmness of soul which arises from the idea of an Infinite God, and from confidence in him. Often when restless on our beds - when nothing else will lull the body to rest, the thought of God - the contemplation of his greatness, his mercy, and his love - the sweet sense of an assurance of his favor will soothe us, and cause us to sink into gentle repose. So it may be - so it will be - when we are about to sleep the long sleep of death, for then the most appropriate thoughts - the thoughts that will best prepare us for that long sleep - will be thoughts of God." 

Clarke: "When I remember thee upon my bed - I will lie down in thy fear and love; that I may sleep soundly under thy protection, and awake with a sense of thy presence and approbation; and when I awake in the night watches, or be awakened by them, I will spend the waking moments in meditation upon thee." 

Upon a request of a friend on Instagram, I made this scripture into a print:

It looks pretty, doesn't it? :) 

Instant downloadable prints and bookmarks of this design is coming up soon! If you are interested, please leave a comment and I'll get to it instead of procrascinating! :)

#journalingbiblecommunity #journalingbible #meditate #scriptureart #illustratedfaith #Godlovesyou #dailydevotional

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Journaling Bible - Rejoice, O Young Man in thy Youth - Ecclessiastes 11:9

This verse cheered me when I was young, God is saying, "Go enjoy yourselves, have fun and do what makes you happy!" It is a most liberating blessing from Him in all the days of our youth :) He only cautions us that we do the things that are good, because each one of us will face His judgment after our time on earth is up. Let us do right and be free in enjoying life and being creative! :)

The kitten bookmark is availabe on etsy here for $5

 #enjoylife #Godsblessings #youarefree #scripture #ecclesiastes #bibleart #biblejournaling #journalingbiblecommunity #illustratedfaith

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Journaling Bible - For God So Loved the World - John 3:16

Though I had been a believer for years, whenever I thought about the Cross, I knew that I haven't fully grasped His love for me, the full realization of His love still eluded me. Until one day I read John chapter three and kept going back to Jesus' words about Moses and the serpent in verse 14. I decided to go back to the Old Testament and studied this particular event. And finally I realized. The depth of His sacrificial love and how it personally applies to me :)

 #christonthecross #Godslove #sin #redeemer #redemption #forgiveness #death #life #journalingbible #biblejournalingcommunity #jesuslovesme #jesuslovesall

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Monday, November 10, 2014

Journaling Bible - Where Grace Meets Faith - Luke 17:19

Where grace meets faith... things start to move! Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. The more we hear of Him, the more our faith is strengthened and we dare to step out and believe... then God meets us halfway :) His love for us is so vast. The evidence? Behold Christ crucified on the Cross!

 #faith #faithmovesmountains #evenamustardseedfaith #greatgod #biblejournaling #journalingbiblecommunity #illustratedfaith #praiseGod #scriptures

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Journaling Bible - Hearken, O Daughter, - Psalm 45:10,11

I love this verse. A letting go of your family and house and people and being joined with the love of your life, the King. Once He sees that you have left all to be with Him then He will greatly desire you. This verse reminds me of Ruth :)  #lovestory #ourKing #leavingallbehind #pressingforward #biblejournaling #journalingbiblecommunity #illustratedfaith

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Monday, November 3, 2014

Journaling Bible - The Will of the Father - Matthew 7:21

It's not enough to just believe in Jesus. He requires more. He wants you to do what His Father wants. This includes seeking His will in your life. Finding your niche in Him. 

#willofGod #liberty #faith #biblejournalingcommunity #journalingbible #illustratedfaith #seekGod

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Journaling Bible - Love Your Enemies - Luke 6:35

Not easy. God's way. #biblejournaling #journalingbiblecommunity #lettinggo #letgod #openhands #scripture #faith #jesuslovesyou #soldierofchrist

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Journaling Bible - Be Thou Faithful Unto Death - Rev 2:10

I was writing this verse on our wooden jewellery box for wood burning yesterday and unknown to me, a close relative of ours died the same day. It made me think. Our life here on earth is so temporary. There is only One person who defeated death and rose to life again, and that was Jesus. He is asking us to keep our eyes on Him, to keep our faith in Him, and to be faithful even when dying - because it is only Him who can bring you to the other side, life with Him. 

#keepoureyesonchrist #revelation #death #life #biblejournalingcommunity #journalingbible #illustratedfaith #dailydevotional #scriptureart

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Journaling Bible - Yahweh Shalom - Judges 6:24

Gideon met an angel of the LORD face to face for the first time in Judges 6:12 and that moment onward God showed numerous amazing signs to Gideon to reassure that He is with Gideon. "Yahweh Shalom", or "Jehovah Shalom", means "God is my Peace". 

#biblejournalingcommunity #biblejournal #illustratedfaith #gideon #jehovahshalom #yahwehshalom #peace #shalom #scriptures #goinfaith

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Friday, October 24, 2014

Journaling Bible - But Now Mine Eye Seeth Thee - Job 42:5

Please excuse my wrinkly fingers as I hold the page from being flipped over by the breeze! 😊🍂 Job went through so much. Before, he only heard about the Lord whom he believed and lives righteously before Him. This he faithfully did, through terrible trials which saw him lose his children and all his possessions and ultimately his health. It was only after he clung onto God through all this, that God revealed Himself to Job, and Job finally saw the One whom He has believed all along. I thank the Lord for encouraging us with stories of men and women of faith so we can preserve through trials and know that not one happens without His knowledge. We don't understand but we must preserve. The reward will be so much worth it.

 #job #faith #trust #dontletgo #praisethelord #faithful #scriptures #biblejournalingcommunity #biblejournal #christian

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Journaling Bible - I Will Not Leave You Orphans - John 14:18

Jesus cares. 

#orphans #care #love #john #jesuslovesme #journalingbiblecommunity #bibleart #scriptures #bibleverse #biblejournal

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Journaling Bible - In the Beginning, God... - Genesis 1:1

In the beginning. Where it all starts. Elohim (God) was there. And He spoke it all into existence. How awesome is our God! :)

#ourcreator #praisehisname #shemayisrael #elohim #scriptures #biblejournaling #journalingbible #illustratedfaith #jesuslovesme #biblejournalingcommunity #faith

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Journaling Bible - Bringing into Captivity Every Thought - 2 Corinthians 10:5

God emphasized 2 Corinthians 10:5 to me numerous times... When we are diligently aware of what we allow to think upon, and bring that thought to Jesus, talk it over with Him and bringing it under His Lordship, then we will be able to guard our minds. Once God is invited in all our thoughts, then we can expect to hear from Him :)

 #corinthians #soldierofchrist #guardyourminds #illustratedfaith #scriptures #bibleverses #journalingbible #biblejournalingcommunity

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Monday, October 20, 2014

Journaling Bible - Praise the Lord all ye Nations - Psalm 117 & 118

God wants *all* nations, *all* people on earth to praise Him... you and me included. He is not some far off God... oh no, He is a personal God, it is Him who is responsible for our life on earth, He knows the number of hair that we have and He loves us very much. 

#praisethelord #scriptures #psalm #dailydevotional #illustratedfaith #biblejournalingcommunity #biblejournaling

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Journaling Bible - Labour Not to be Rich - Proverbs 23:4

This verse got my attention yesterday and it made me think. God is saying, do not work with the aim of getting rich. What about the Proverbs 31 woman? I think she got her priorities right... She worked to provide, to bless... and God took care of the rest. 

#proverbs #wordofgod #dailydevotional #journalingbible #restinthelord #journalingbiblecommunity

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Journaling Bible - Train Up a Child - Proverbs 22:6

Children need a foundation in God's words and wisdom, so when they are old enough to leave the nest, they will be able to discern what is right and what is wrong in all they do. Sure they might become like the prodigal son and wander far away from what they know is right but sooner or later they will desire to be back home in the teachings they grew up with, because God's ways are wise, safe and secure... an anchor of hope for their souls. Don't give up training your child, parents, and don't give up praying for them to have a saving knowledge of Christ! :)

#biblejournaling #journalingbible #illustratedfaith #scripture #children #devotional #journalingbiblecommunity

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Journaling Bible - Faithful are the Wounds of a Friend - Proverbs 27:6

Real friends care about us enough to share their deepest concerns with us, especially when it may be difficult for us to hear it. God calls them faithful friends. Let us not shun them but talk it over. 

#faithfulfriend #faithful #friend #bff #journalingbible #biblejournalingcommunity #devotional #devotionalart #proverbs

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Journaling Bible - Shema Yisrael - Hear O Israel - Mark 12:29-31

"Shema Yisrael Yahweh eloheinu Yahweh echad" ... is Hebrew from Deuteronomy 6:4, "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord alone" Jesus quoted from the Old Testament and says this is still the number one commandment - to acknowledge the Lord to be our God alone, and to love Him beyond all... and to love one another as we love ourselves. 

#shemayisrael #biblequotes #scripture 

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Journaling Bible - The Earth is the Lord's - Psalm 24:1

The Lord, it is He who created the earth and every thing in it, including us. I can't wait when He comes and we get to meet Him, the Maker of our souls! He is altogether good, altogether lovely.

 #praise #devotionalart #devotion #scriptures #journalingbiblecommunity #biblejournaling

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Journaling Bible - Jesus is God - 1 Timothy 3:16

Who is this Jesus? He is actually God who came down to earth and was shown to us in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16 KJV). It correlates with John chapter 1. 

#journalingbible #journalimgbiblecommunity #gospel #gospelart #scripture #scriptureart #typpgraphy #devotional #devotionalart

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Monday, October 13, 2014

Journaling Bible - Hear Both Sides First - Proverbs 18:17

(Part 2 - Proverbs 18:17) How often it happens that people are quick to judge, when they hear only the accuser's side of the story. It may seem right and just. But God wants us to hear both sides. This way the real story of what happened can come to the light and no one gets falsely accused.

 #journalingbible #journalingbiblecommunity #proverbs #scripture #devotionalart

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Journaling Bible - Wait and Listen First - Proverbs 18:13

(Part 1- Proverbs 18:13) God really wants us to wait and listen to the full story before we put in our two cents. This will give the Holy Spirit a chance to minister to our hearts and we can reply as truthfully as we can, with His kindness and mercy. 

#biblejournaling #devotional #proverbs #biblejournalingcommunity

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Friday, October 10, 2014

Journaling Bible - Our Righteous Judge - Psalm 19:9

Psalm 19:9 encourages us to remember that the Lord is our Righteous Judge, He will judge everything justly. I can't wait for that to happen! :)

 #journalingbible #biblejournalingcommunity #devotionalart #scriptures #christianart #gospel

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Journaling Bible - The Difference Between the Sinner and the Godly - Psalm 32:5

I love the next verse also - "For this shall every one that is godly pray unto thee in a time when thou mayest be found:" ...I just realized when I was reading this, that the difference between the sinner and the godly is in the acknowledging of our sins. Jesus came because of our sins. When we acknowledge we did wrong and invite Him to restore us, He will gladly do so and He will throw our sins as far as the east is from the west and love us as His own. The key is in our humility when we confess to Him, "yes, I did wrong. Please come help me."

#bibleartjournaling #biblejournalingcommunity #devotionalart #devotional #praisejesus

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Journaling Bible - In Every Thing Give Thanks - 1 Thess 5:18

It says in *every* thing, give thanks... that includes both good and bad.. yup, the bad stuff too. Lift up your eyes to God and thank Him, even if you do not understand why. It's hard, but it's what God wants you to do. "Trust Me in this," He says. 

#biblejournaling #bibleartjournaling #gospelart #biblejournalingcommunity #godsword

check out my instagram for updated news @susyancrafts

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Watercolor Painting "She Set Her Mind to It and It was Done"

"She set her mind to do it, and it was done"

A wonderful gift for yourself or for your mother, friend, daughter, niece, aunt... to encourage and to inspire them that when they set their minds to do whatever they are doing, it can be done! It can be hung on the wall or propped on a shelf or bench.

It is an original watercolored paper with hand written ink letterings, with a beautiful thick black textured paper background and decorated with shiny gems and nestled within a beautiful 4" x 6" frame.

If you would like to see it on my Etsy, the link is here

Friday, October 3, 2014

Bright and Colorful Philippians 4:8 Acrylic Painting for your Room or Office

This is painted by hand, 8" x 10" stretched canvas, with a slightly adjusted Philippians 4:8 verse on it:

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

Includes bright acrylic colors, pretty patterned paper, and covered with Mod Podge for a shiny and protective look.


All ready for hanging up on a wall... a beautiful gift for anyone who loves bright colors and God's words.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Custom Name Doodling Page in American Sign Language

This is a fantastic colouring in doodle page for any girl (or adult!) showing their names in the American Sign Language. 

If you or your child do not know how to sign in American Sign Language (ASL), this colouring in doodle page is an excellent way to learn, because it shows the full alphabet in American Sign Language in stars all around the page... each ASL alphabet has their own English letter next to them.

This one says "Holly"

In the middle of the page, I can put in a custom name (your daughter's or your own,or a friend's, or a student's) in hearts. The custom name in hearts in the middle does not have English letters with it, but anyone can look around the page for ASL alphabet in stars to find out the meaning of the custom name in the middle. 

It is a wonderful teaching tool and enjoyment time for anyone!

Click here to go to my etsy store to purchase them, you can also purchase boy's style custom name doodling page:

This one says "Will" and it does not have the alphabet around it,
but I can include it in upon request.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Cute Scripture Kitten Bookmark for your Bible

This is a 2 inches x 3.5 inches glossy photo paper bookmark with a watercolor print of a cute white kitten sleeping peacefully on a fence with Psalm 139:14 scripture typography underneath,

"I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made"

 Here is what it looks like in its element :)

The watercolor and letters are done by myself.

It also has purple ribbons and a chrome bead. The purple represents royalty for when our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will come to rule the earth as King soon. :)

It will make a cute accessory to go with your Bible!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Wooden Spoon Bible Verses for the Kitchen

I have been wood burning Scripture verses on wooden spoons for the kitchen

It'll make a beautiful gift for any one who is cooking in the kitchen
so that they can meditate on the Word of God while cooking

Some of the verses that I did...
if you are interested in buying one, they can be obtained in my etsy store:

I love them!! :)

Friday, August 1, 2014

Cute Sixopus

 Hi, I'm a Sixopus... yes, I'm a six-legged octopus! :)

 Look at my cute hair accessory!

Please drop me a line of you'd like me!
I am $7 plus shipping and created in a smoke free and pet free home.